How to run dating tiktok traffic
Nowadays TikTok (Douyin is its Chinese version) is one of the most popular social networks. This video-platform is popular not only among teens but potential leads too. As long as TikTok is an entertainment platform it’s a perfect idea to promote dating offers. So today the Vortex team is gonna share its own experience of getting TikTok traffic for mainstream and adult offers. In the end we’ll show what offers converts best with this source :)

Advertising via TikTok Ads
One of the main ways to get TikTok traffic is promoting ads through TikTok Ads. You can run your campaign in three formats:
Brand Takeover. A creative is shown when users open the app (images can be shown up to 3 seconds and videos - to 5).
In-feed Native Video. This type of format is similar to ads in other social media networks: a creative appears inusers’ news feed.
Hashtag Challenge. You can increase brand awareness by launching your own challenge.

How to create and scale campaign
Understanding the auction
The decision if an ad enters and wins an auction is based on their eCPM model. The main focus is usually to improve CVR (through creative content that matches the app store or target URL) and CTR (through testing more ad texts and creatives) to bring volume to a campaign.
After getting CVR (20-30%) and CTR (1.5-2%) to a good level so that volume is achievable, the focus is on maximizing the main KPI through audiences and ad group duplication.

Learning period
In TikTok, the campaign learning period is a lot more important than elsewhere. If the ad group does not get good results during the learning period (usually the first 3 days), then it will be impossible to get results later. Any changes in targeting or bids alter the learning period, so it is best to change bids or budget.
Important! Bid change as the system is very sensitive, we suggest changing bids not more than 1 time per 2 days.
Lowest cost/Manual bids
The Vortex team recommends using both options while running ads with TikTok. Choosing running manual bid, you need to create 2 or more ad groups with different bids.
Important! Do not change the manual bid. Just cut off unprofitable ones in 2 days or after spending enough money.
How to get free TikTok traffic
We’re moving to the most interesting part: how to get free traffic with TikTok. Warning! Working with TikTok isn’t less hard than working with Facebook or Google UAC but this source of free organic traffic is worth it.
Signing up
TikTok’s content is promoted in the country of account’s GEO registration. Use antidetect browser with proxy or turn off geoposition tracking on the smartphone while registering an account. If everything is good, in the recommendation tab you see videos in the language of needed GEO.
Warming up
Doesn’t matter if you buy accounts or create them by yourself, take a week to warm them up. You need to upload 2-3 near-dating themed videos per week. You can use photos/videos of beautiful girls without any erotic implication because in other way it’s possible to get activity decreasing or shadow ban (account freezing) from which exitisn’t found :)
There are two quite easy ways.
The first one is using photos or videos up to 6-7 seconds of attractive girls. In this case, it’s enough to add text and note that a viewer can meet her via link in bio.
The second one is choosing videos with adult stories (pornhub, xhamster, xvideos are here for you). There is nothing provocative in such videos but everyone knows what happens next. Don’tforget to note that sequel can be found in the profile’s bio.
Important! The sound is essential because TikTok is an entertaining social network at first and algorithms push videos with some music much better than videos without any sound. The perfect solution is to choose music from the top charts of ITunes or Spotify (40-100 places).

General best practices from the Vortex team
Use themed hashtags in video description (#blond #slim #dating #girl).
It’s better to upload videos no more often than 1 time per 1.5-2 hours. If you upload new clips every 30 minutes, it's a high possibility to get your account freezed.
Don’t disable comments because different engagement pushes your video into recommendations.
Multi-stage funnel is needed to get traffic with TikTok. You can move a user to Instagram, Snapchat or pre-landing page, warm him up there and after these stages a user finally falls into offer.
TikTok encourages users to take part in some trending challenges. Dating example from us is below :)

TikTok is an ideal organic traffic source for dating offers. Youdon’treally need to have a lot of money at the start of getting traffic with TikTok, you just need a lot of free time to make creatives and upload it on the platform :)
As we promised, we’re sharing top Dating offers that converts the best with TikTok traffic:
Flirterlebnisse - CPL SOI [DE AT] Desktop/Mobile
EPC DE - $0.6, AT - $0.47
inst2reg 1к2-3
Flirtxx.com - CPL SOI [DE] MOB
EPC $0.31
inst2reg 1к3