12 APRIL 2021
Exclusive In-House Offers' Benefits in CPA
Nowadays CPA Market
Today we have a lot of variations and methods to grow and progress in the area of affiliate marketing. Every day there are more and more interesting products, new verticals and offers.The market becomes bigger and bigger everyday. However, despite all these advantages, there is also another side of the coin. It is competition. The area of affiliate marketing is becoming more and more popular and new people are constantly entering the market. In the face of such competition, it becomes more and more difficult to “survive” and you have to turn on your lateral thinking and start using unique schemes and methods of work. Today we will talk about one of these methods. It is worth clarifying right away that this is not some super-modern ingenious scheme, but this “sub-direction” is often overlooked.
Exclusive Offers
Private offers! Exclusive products, individual cooperation, direct partnerships. All this seems to be somewhere in the dark corner of the huge CPA marketing area. A lot of people also think that this is available only for the elite members of affiliate marketing. This can probably be true sometimes but everything is not so bad as it looks. Today, a lot of affiliate marketing members can work with exclusive offers, even beginners sometimes. Of course, if we are talking about real beginners, then they might not have such opportunity (we would recommend them to practice on public offers first), but if you already have basic experience, you know your traffic source well enough, doesn`t matter it would be Facebook, Google UAC, In-App traffic or any other source, you have the opportunity to try your luck and test several exclusive in-house offers.
Public VS Private
What is a real private offer? Imagine there is a person who has created his own dating site or an online casino or any other affiliate marketing product. He tested it in a basic way, for example, on Snapchat or Facebook, and received top statistics and profitability indicators. Despite this, he did not set up any targeting parameters and he did not create any unique creatives. Based on this, he concluded that his product works and it needs to be scaled. But since he himself is not an affiliate marketer and he does not have certain experience in the field of CPA, he decides to give his product to affiliate networks or affiliate marketers directly, and they start working with it for CPA. This is a real private exclusive offer. What is the main difference between public offers and private in-house offers? First of all, in access to them. As a rule, public offers are given to everyone in a row and because of this they quickly become squeezed out. Private offers are opposite - they are worked out by a limited number of partners, which is why they are stable in the market, maintain high conversion and profitability rates.
Benefits of Exclusives Offers
Exclusive offers have a lot of advantages over public offers, regardless of the vertical. First of all, the most important advantage of an exclusive offers is a high conversion rate. 50% of your success depends on the offer which you choose. Sometimes even more. Imagine that you get a fresh, unused product which is worked out by only you and a few of your competitors. Usually, the conversion rate in such cases reaches the highest levels. Besides the conversion rate, the one thing which is also important is a bid. Usually, the bids on exclusive offers are much higher than on public ones, since you work directly with an advertiser or affiliate network that owns the product and do not take additional commissions. In addition, direct collaboration allows you to create private, exclusive marketing funnels by modifying the product itself, both externally and technically. As an example - if you need leprechauns to be drawn on the casino's main page, they will be drawn there. All these advantages in one way or another make it possible to create private marketing funnels, achieve the highest ROI and conversion rates, due to the “freshness” of the offer and high rates, and in general, get higher profit results on the global market.
Where can you find such offers?
If you decide to work on exclusive offers, there is no reason to look for the direct owners of such products for this. Sometimes working with the owners of the direct products can cause many inconveniences. Problems with payments and lack of tracking statistics, absence of a CRM system and many other points that impair your efficiency. A good alternative can be an affiliate programs. Now a sufficient number of affiliate networks create their own products in various verticals and open them to their affiliates. Vortex is no exception. We offer our partners top exclusive offers in Gambling, Dating and Crypto verticals with high conversion rates and the highest payouts. For more information regarding exclusive offers please contact your account manager. Our main private exclusive offer is LevelUp Casino. It is a new online casino with a wide range of games and bonuses. LevelUp has 24/7 live chat support and multiple currencies in one account. Live dealer games are available. You can find it in our network!

The main conclusion - do not focus only on public offers. Especially in such verticals as gambling, dating or crypto. Despite the fact that money is almost everywhere on the CPA market, it is easier to get it in one area, and more difficult in another. Take full advantage of your CPA Network. Nowadays, working with exclusive products is quite a profitable direction. According to this, if you have basic experience in affiliate marketing, understanding of working with at least one good traffic source and you are able to provide a stable volume of traffic - you can start with an exclusive offers and it would be an interesting and promising option.